FCUL - Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, is an integral unit of the Universidade de Lisboa that has the mission of expanding the limits of science and technology, transfer scientific knowledge into society, and promote research-based student education.
MARE - Marine and Environmental Sciences Center is a centre for research, technological development and innovation, with an integrative and holistic approach, concentrating a wide diversity of expertise, skills, and capabilities, with a nationwide territorial implementation, that develops its activities oriented to societal challenges, in close partnership with national and international research centres.
The Polytechnic Institute of Leiria (IPLeiria) is a public institution of higher polytechnic education in the service of society, meant for the production and dissemination of knowledge, creation, transmission and dissemination of culture, science, technology and arts-oriented research and experimental development. IPLeiria aims to develop diversified activities in the fields of education and training, the provision of services to the community and cooperation in areas of educational extension, cultural and technical, as well as in research.
I received a PhD in Ecology and Biosystematics from the Universidade de Lisboa in 1992, the habilitation in Animal Biology in 2006 and I am currently leading the MARE thematic research line of Aquaculture and Fisheries. My scientific activity has focused on two main fields: 1) the fish assemblage structure of estuaries and coastal lagoons and 2) the determination of life history population parameters (growth, reproduction, and mortality) and diet composition of both teleost (pelagic, demersal and deep-water species) and elasmobranch (coastal and deep-water) species; the assessment and management of fisheries resources aiming the resource sustainability.
I received a Ph.D. in Biotechnology (Food Science and Technology), from the Universidade Católica Portuguesa, and I am presently the head of MARE – Marine and Environmental Sciences Centre, Polytechnic Institute of Leiria. My research focus on the seafood innovation with specific focus on quality of seafood, quality assessments and how processing influence seafood quality and preferences. I have also particular interest in evaluation of the benefit/risk associated to the fish and seaweeds consumption.
I have a degree in Marine Biology, a Master in Fisheries and Aquaculture and a PhD in Marine Sciences. I am a researcher at MARE and during my career I have participated in several national and international research projects on biology and population structure of marine fish species, assessment of fisheries impact on species and ecosystems, ocean literacy and MSFD, assessment of climate change on the growth of marine fish, and valorization of fisheries resources.
Elisabete Silva
I have a degree in Biology by the University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro and Master in Marine Biology by the University of Aveiro. I was a volunteer in SPEA under the LIFE Berlengas project in 2015 and joined the POPA program (Fisheries Observation Program in Azores). Between September 2016 and 2018, I have been working as a fisheries observer under the LIFE Berlengas project in SPEA. At present, I am a fellowship in FCUL under the VALOREJET performing trips aboard commercial fishing vessels off Peniche to estimate rejections of the catches and to gather the samples for the species with low commercial value.
I have a degree in Technology and Food Safety, and I am finishing my Master in Quality Management and Food Safety, by the School of Tourism and Technology of the Sea in Peniche (ESTM, IPLeiria). I belong to the MARE-IPLeiria Group as a research fellow in the scope of the valorisation and optimization of the conditions of conservation of marine species, as well as nutritional evaluation of the same ones.
I received a PhD in Ecology and Biosystematics, from the Universidade de Lisboa in 2003, and I am currently leading the group on Stream Ecology and Conservation of CE3C. I am a professor of Ecology at the Universidade de Lisboa. My research focuses on the conservation biology of fish in intermittent streams in the Mediterranean region. Specific aims are to identify (i) processes shaping assemblage structure and function across multiple spatial and temporal scales, and (ii) gaps in water quality assessment and conservation management of fish in intermittent streams.
I have a degree in Marine Biology, have a PhD in Marine Sciences and a Master degree in Science Communication. I am a post-doctoral researcher and my main scientific research topics have focused on the study of the population structure of marine fishes and in the determination of life history population parameters, particularly fish reproductive strategies. I have been also involved in science communication initiatives co-coordinating MARE’s educative programme “MARE goes to school”.
I have graduated in Biology in 1998 and since then I have worked on several scientific projects. My main experience is in growth and age, reproduction and diet of different fish species, as well as working with different methodologies used in the marine population structure studies. I have a special interest in the statistical data analyses and modelling in R environment.
Frederica Silva
MARE - IPLeiria
I have a degree in Biology by the University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro and Master in Marine Biology by the University of Aveiro. I was a volunteer in SPEA under the LIFE Berlengas project in 2015 and joined the POPA program (Fisheries Observation Program in the Azores). Between September 2016 and 2018, I have been working as a fisheries observer under the LIFE Berlengas project in SPEA. At present, I am a fellowship in FCUL under the VALOREJET performing trips aboard commercial fishing vessels off Peniche to estimate rejections of the catches and to gather the samples for the species with low commercial value.
I am currently Associate Professor of Escola Superior de Turismo e Tecnologia do Mar (IPLeiria), effective member of MARE – Marine and Environmental Sciences Centre, a collaborating member of the Statistics Department (University of Salamanca, Spain) and I carry out my research in multivariate statistics applied to food science and consumption and marine ecology. I did my PhD in Applied Multivariate Statistics at the Statistics Department of the University of Salamanca (Spain), where I developed research on three-way models and their applicability to analyze data from ecological studies with variations in time and space. Recently I coordinated the projects "PÃO MAR" and "RENDA DOCE DE PENICHE", having in the past been also responsible for the project "PÃO D'ALGAS".
I am Associate Professor of IPLeiria, coordinator of the Degree in Food Engineering, coordinator of the Laboratory of Sensory Analysis, effective member of MARE, author and co-author of several scientific papers in ISI journals, co-inventor of two patents on bioactive/antioxidant compounds in the food area. My research has focused on the development and innovation in food, sensory evaluation and research of natural antioxidants.